Girls Completing 3rd – 6th Grade

Camp Sternberg has defined and made breakthrough innovations in camping for frum girls since its founding by Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald zt”l in 1964. Over 55,000 girls have attended camp over 50 years!!! Camp Sternberg’s “Campus” program is especially designed for girls currently in 3rd-6th grades. Girls meet new friends from all over America and the globe while enjoying a huge variety of activities designed to show them an amazing time and gain self-confidence by taking an active role in all of their activities!

Meet our Team

The Sternberg journey begins here….

We believe in every girl’s ability to succeed.  We are committed to creating an environment of Ahavas Yisroel and growth through Torah values and innovative programs.  Our passion for these ideals ensures a life-changing summer for our campers and staff.

In Campus (3rd-6th Grade)

you will gain independence and learn to accept and love everyone (including yourself!).

Camp Sternberg’s wide range of exciting activities, allows each camper to shine!
• Swimming in Sternberg’s gigantic, pristine lake with mega-splash-down water slide, paddle boats, and more
• 2 Olympic size Heated Pools with water Slide
• Sports including baseball, basketball, volleyball, and much more
• Thrilling night activities
• Fantastic trips
• Instructional and free swim in our large outdoor pools
• Shiur
• Camp Wide BBQ’s
• Drama
• Dance
• Arts and crafts
Our equipment is the best and our standards of safety and levels of instruction are outstanding. Our campers learn new skills and grow their confidence while having the best time with their friends.

Sample Daily Schedule

We believe in every girl's ability to succeed.
We are committed to creating an environment of Ahavas Yisroel
and growth through Torah values and innovative programs.
Our passion for these ideals ensures a life-changing summer
for our campers and staff.

Sternberg Mission Statement
Number of Years
Total Estimated Sternberg Campers in the World
Number of Generations
Meals Served Daily
Number of Campers and Staff