Jr. Staff Options (fill out a camper application and a Jr. Staff Request Form)

Position -Rate
Campus Aide -$899* + $300 Trip fee
Pioneers Aide -$899* + $300 Trip fee
Waitress or OKA (New Jr. Staff Program) -$899* + $300 Trip fee
Lifeguard (must be certified Lifeguard) -No Fee
Aleph Plus Counselor -No Fee
Day Camp Counselor -No Fee
Mother’s Helper -No Fee
The New Improved Waitress/OKA Program will be going on weekly trips and will enjoy awesome new programming.
Only 24 spots available so hurry and sign up now!!!
Email aperkal@shmacamps.com to request more information!

*All published prices include a $75 discount when paying with e-check.
You will NOT be charged until you accept the jr. staff position being offered to you.

Attention: Hired Jr. Staff & Staff

To download your required forms, log into your Campminder account by clicking here
Staff Campminder Login then go to Forms & Documents.https://shmacamps.org/dev/shma-girls/wp-admin/media-upload.php?post_id=3862&type=image&TB_iframe=1&width=753&height=471