

Week Four at Mogen Av!

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Trips and Special Days. Exciting Activities and Programming. Never-ending Fun!
Just another week at camp…



Ninja Warrior Course

On Sunday, the campers were treated to an all-new activity. Featuring Hang Time, Floating Steps, Cargo Crawl, Climbing Wall, Walking Plank, Agility Poles, and many more, our Ninja Warrior course was a thorough test of strength, stability, and stamina! It was an incredible feat to behold! To say it was a complete workout would be an understatement. To say it was an another awesome activity would describe Mogen Av perfectly!


Mountain Creek Waterpark

On Monday, we went to Mountain Creek Waterpark! With more than 20 awesome slides and rides, there was something for all ages and thrill levels! Campers could jump off the legendary Canyon Cliffs, navigate the Colorado River, or float and relax in the wave pool. Topped off with the famous Trip Day Hero Sandwiches fresh from our kitchen, this was a trip to remember!


Olympic Day

We had an exciting two days of Olympic games filled with sports, all-star games, plays, songs, and a large dose of competition. Included in this was our famous Apache Race featuring 39 legs and over 200 participants doing everything from swimming and boating to throwing water balloons and drinking soda. India won by just over 66 pointsover Russia, bringing the Olympic torch home to their fellow Indians for the year!


Melave Malka

Last Motzai Shabbos was our Trip One Melave Malka, with hot pizza, crispy french fries, and creamy ice cream on the menu, not to mention the full nacho bar! We had quite a turnout of campers and staff fully energized for the long night of singing, dancing, and a full kumzits, featuring live music by the one and only Rabbi Eli Mann. The party went well into the night!